Cultural sensitivity begins with cultural awareness. People often don’t know what they don’t know. Hence, raising awareness and developing Intercultural Intelligence amongst leaders allows them to provide inclusive leadership, maximizing the benefits of diversity and inclusion for higher performance.
This interactive workshop is designed for Education Leaders who understand the importance of intercultural training and are required to provide inclusive leadership in their workplaces. As a participant, you will learn how to make more informed inclusive decisions to effectively communicate with, manage and motivate, your diverse teams through greater intercultural awareness. The training will also help you better support your staff by creating a culturally diverse, and culturally aware, workplace. True inclusive leaders embrace difference. They think globally and act locally. Contact us for more information |
Designed for school, college and university staff at all levels, this basic engaging training course provides foundational information on working in a multicultural context. This includes the impact of culture in our daily habits and interactions, respecting and accepting differences in culture for successful communication and cohesive relationships. Participants will also understand the value of diversity and cultural empathy as crucial and critical keys to employee engagement and school community performance and development.
Contact us for more information |
In intercultural situations, when we are aware of why we are thinking, feeling, communicating or behaving in a certain way, it is easier to interpret and react more effectively to peoples’ cues. This interactive training is highly recommended for Education Leaders, Teachers and Staff Members dealing with multicultural colleagues, students and parents on a day to day basis.
As a participant, you will be introduced to the five stages of Intercultural Intelligence Continuum and reflect on the stage you are at. You will learn how to raise your level of consciousness to take needed steps to bridge any gap. The goal is to develop effective communication and cultural empathy that would help you feel more culturally confident and competent, easily adapt to working in multicultural settings, while delivering inclusive quality service. Contact us for more information |
Language and culture are inseparable! In fact, we cannot learn culture without language, and we cannot understand the meaning of language without culture. Therefore, developing intercultural communication consciousness and competencies have become more important than ever before for Education Leaders, Teachers and Staff Members.
In verbal and non verbal communication, the difference between “form: what and how we communicate” and “meaning: what we really mean” is hugely significant and nothing is evident! Because what makes sense to us does not necessarily make sense to others. Through The Seven Intercultural Communication Continuums Assessment, you will develop awareness about the form-meaning challenge and assumptions. You will be able to identify your communication style and learn Five Strategies to successfully identify, interpret and adapt to various communication styles and conversational models. You will learn how to avoid and manage cross-cultural faux pas with confidence and effectively respond and communicate in multicultural settings. Contact us for more information |
As workplaces become more and more culturally diverse, intercultural skills become vital to high functioning and performing teams. This fully participative workshop pushes participants out of their comfort zone to explore the foundations of intercultural intelligence with a focus on in-group and out-group dynamics, communication, power relationships as well as team trust building.
You will grow through individual and team dynamics assessments to identify your leadership, interaction, work, and communication style. This workshop is designed for leaders and their teams, who are willing to learn tools to avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, reduce stress, prevent burnout and turn-over. This workshop provides our clients with practical strategies to increase their team's performance and create an inclusive and cohesive environment. Contact us for more information |
The most common challenge of many Canadian organizations is how to help new immigrant staff integrate and navigate into the Canadian workplace. With this in mind, we designed this one-day training especially for new immigrant staff to give them exposure to the mainstream Canadian culture.
Through different activities, you will learn, as a participant, how to adjust your cultural perceptual lenses and practices to meet your new workplace expectations. You will be sensitized about the Canadian perspective on time, space, leadership, relationships, communication, networking, work ethics, etc. The goal of the workshop is to bridge the cultural gap, overcome culture shock, leverage your culture and competencies to develop employability skills, gain essential keys for effective performance and ensure your personal and professional growth. A “Welcome Aboard” Handbook will be offered to all participants and can be included within the new employee orientation package as part of your orientation process. Contact us for more information |
High performance organizations realized that an inclusive mindset is the core of the service attitudes and service cultures of successful organizations.
Think of Human Behavior as an iceberg. The 10% above the waterline represents our visible behaviors which are strongly conditioned by the 90% below the waterline representing our invisible attitudes, beliefs and paradigms. In fact, when Performance Improvement training programs do not have an impact on paradigms and attitudes, - i.e. they focus solely on what’s “Above the Waterline” - they usually have a short term effect on participants’ behavior which translates as a waste of time, energy and money in vain. Hence the design of The 7 Success Factors Seminar Series® to bridge the gap in the market of Intercultural Intelligence Training and to ensure a sustainable impact on the mindsets and attitudes of everyone in the organization from senior management to front-line staff. Our unique, holistic and proactive approach aims to raise peoples’ consciousness first through a deep understanding of their paradigms, beliefs and attitudes lying underneath the waterline and second to develop the needed competencies in order to address inclusive success from the self consciousness level through to interacting with others and influencing the organization and the community as a whole. The 7 Success Factors Seminar Series® are based on an inside-out process of 7 Practical Models through 1- Consciousness, 2- Character, 3- Conditioning, 4- Competence, 5- Communication, 6- Connections and 7- Contribution. These inclusive seminars are based on a philosophy that places the learners at the centre of the process and are crafted to appeal to all learning styles. You will have the opportunity to think, feel and behave, giving you ownership over your own personal and professional development for a long term attitude and behaviour change. |
Excellent Customer Service is shaped by the relationships we establish, the expectations we meet, the senses we touch, as well as the behaviors and emotions we manage. It’s all about “High Touch” rather than “High Tech” and this could be a really “touchy” challenge in diverse education communities.
This highly participative seminar is designed specifically to empower Education Leaders and Staff Members to create great culturally sensitive customer service within their institutions. Thereby becoming institutions of choice and increasing the attraction, satisfaction and loyalty of their students. The seminar focuses on how everyone within the school community affects the bottom line of its reputation through their relationships with one another and with students and parents. This is a highly educational and motivational customer service seminar that breaks down cultural barriers between all stakeholders. It helps instil a high level of consciousness about the critical role of internal and external service and develop core competencies of inclusive service culture within the institution. In short, we aim to help you create an Inclusive Service Culture aligned with your Values, Strategic and Performance Improvement Goals from Senior Management to Entry-Level Staff. Our holistic and unique approach has continued to have a major impact on many people and education communities. Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar |
Working with recruitment and hiring professionals, we focus on their ability to rethink some of the underlying assumptions about what defines a good recruit beyond unconscious cultural bias and equip them to adapt their perception, policies and practices in order to meet diversity recruitment objectives. Through The 7 Success Factors for Inclusive Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Practices seminar, we provide the hiring team with the tools, resources and practical solutions they need to realize the value of immigrant talent to their business and better attract, hire, retain and promote new immigrants to develop good business sense and growth.
Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar |
Successful mentoring requires intercultural intelligence from both new and native-born Canadians in a multicultural workplace. Technical skills are undoubtedly important. However, without intercultural intelligence, managers and mentors often have challenges building sustainable credibility, rapport and trust with their mentees.
This interactive one-day mentoring seminar is designed to increase awareness and capacity for mentoring within multicultural settings. We will address successful mentoring strategies that focus on developing an inclusive mentoring mindset and on attending to fundamentals of communication, planning, and capacity-building through a trustworthy relationship with mentees. Therefore, as an Inclusive Mentor you may tap into previously untapped resources and talent, strengthening your institution’s inclusion and contribution by bringing out a sense of passion and empowerment in your mentees. The result is greater employee satisfaction, quality work performance and the achievement of desired organizational objectives. You should consider this seminar if you or your staff are involved in a mentoring program or if you are developing mentoring programs. Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar |
It is now acknowledged that young people who receive an entrepreneurial education at school are performing better in their future career, whether they work as self-employed or employee.
This highly inspiring and interactive seminar focuses on the seven core concepts to entrepreneurial success: 1- Entrepreneurial conscience and mindset, 2- Common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, 3- Mental conditioning and Personal Branding, 4- Entrepreneurial skills and competencies, 5- Entrepreneurial intrapersonal, interpersonal and intercultural communication, 6- Connections and relationships building and 7- Contribution to the common good of the community. The focus of this 1-day engaging experience is to educate and inspire youth to awaken and leverage their entrepreneurial potential and develop an ethical, inclusive and eco-friendly mindset. Our aim is to diffuse an entrepreneurial culture that would shift participants’ paradigms from the traditional “Job Seeker” mindset to a “Job Provider” mindset. This new paradigm shift will empower them to become entrepreneurs of their own lives and give them the burning desire to take their future in hand. Being successful self-entrepreneurs is the ultimate goal of this seminar. Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar |
We are all in the pursuit of success and happiness regardless of our belief systems, cultural backgrounds and values. However, success and happiness are a matter of culture and culture is a matter of context. Therefore, it is crucial for New immigrant and International Students to understand their new playing field and learn the new rules of the game in order to adapt their perception and practices according to the Canadian reality; only then, can they make their settlement process and learning experience enjoyable, faster and successful.
To achieve this goal, New immigrant and International Students must develop the consciousness and the competences congruent with the Canadian Education System and Societal Expectations. Hence, the pertinence of The 7 Factors to Personal and Academic Success for New immigrant and International Students® 1- Consciousness, 2- Character, 3- Conditioning, 4- Competence, 5- Communication, 6- Connections, 7- Contribution. Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar “I wanted to thank you for this seminar. I found it not only informational but also highly inspiring. You have an amazing ability to coach and lead.” Kaltoum Nidale, De La Salle High Secondary School |
“We cannot give a Monocultural Education to our children to live in a Multicultural Society.” Mustapha Amraoui
“To ensure a better education for my children”, “To protect my children” “To secure a better future for our children”, etc. these are the common answers most new immigrant parents react with, when I ask them “Why have you chosen Canada?” However, many of them contribute unconsciously to the misery and failure of their children through unrealistic identity expectations by resisting, rejecting or criticizing the host dominant culture as a defensive strategy to protect their values and cultural heritage. This attitude of "Us" against "Them" turns the child into a battlefield causing confusing conflicts between his family expectations, his school obligations, his peers’ pressure and his individual aspirations and dreams. Consequently, the child suffers, often in silence, from physical and psychological dis-eases ranging from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, to dropouts or even suicide. Families as well suffer from intergenerational acculturation gaps and stressful negative tensions and conflicts. This enlightening, entertaining and empowering workshop helps parents become aware of the danger of their expectations on the well-being of their children. Participants will understand the importance of fostering a positive family environment to enhance the physical, emotional and social well-being of their children and to ensure their academic success. Parents will learn, through interactive and engaging activities, best practices and action-based strategies to help their children develop a plural identity so they can become balanced and inclusive leaders of today and tomorrow of whom they will be very proud. Contact us for a detailed outline of this seminar |
Nowadays many education institutions leverage diversity and inclusion to provide a strategic competitive advantage and it makes absolutely good business sense to do the same. Our role is to help you identify where diversity and inclusion is an added-value and empower you to adapt your perception, policies and practices to develop an inclusive culture and workplaces in order to increase employees’ and customers’ satisfaction and become an institution of choice.
We feel proud to deliver personalised solutions and expertise for organizations looking to unlock the full potential of diverse people working in a culture of inclusion. Ultimately, we are committed to deliver quality and custom-tailored solutions to create workplaces that effectively turn diversity into an added-value, integrating it with overall organizational strategy to deliver superior outcomes. Book a consultation today to learn how we can help you leverage diversity and inclusion to your advantage! |
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